Ever felt like you wasted a bunch of time, sometimes hours, interviewing potential employees only to find out they are qualified.
By using Brooks Fabrication Employ you can eliminate this headache and frustration. Be certain that you will get what you need with our qualified bench of candidates.
These qualified individuals are properly vetted to ensure you get exactly what you need when trying to fill a position.
Running a business is hard enough, finding people to fill open positions shouldn’t be.
With our state of the art technology and being we are an online collective we are also able to provide insurance for the staff you hire, please visit Brooks Fabrication Insure for more details. This will also be given again if employment is established. By a simple click your new employ will be covered.
To see all open positions throughout our network, or to register as a potential employee, click here: www.brooksfabricationemploy.com
For more information contact [email protected]
Who is Brooks Fabrication Employ?
Brooks Fabrication Employ is one of the individual operating divisions of the multi-tiered conglomerate Brooks Enterprises. Brooks Fabrication Employ is the new and fastest growing specialty and specific industry employment staffing and job postings site. Brooks Fabrication Employ is utilizing today’s technological advancements driving potential employees to you rather than you trying to find them sifting through hundreds of resumes only to interview candidates that, when face to face, don’t meet the criteria.
Why BFEmploy?
The purpose of these multiple operating divisions is to provide members of MSG Marketplace an all-inclusive central location to conduct all of their business activities from Logistics, Employment Staffing, Insurance, Supplies and Products, Field Services, Product Sourcing, Project Lead Generation, Engineering Services, and Project Financing. As we grow you grow by offering continually reducing cost structures based on volume and traffic, not only to single entities but for all the Marketplace members as a whole.
BFEmploy allows Employer members to post a job opening, either premier listings or standard listings with various expiration timing options. Potential employees are driven to the employers in 2 specific ways, one being standard Job Seekers standard applications and with the technology available today, we are able to sift through the millions of resumes on other major staffing sites and pull them over with key word indicators to BFEmploy broadening the available base of candidates. Employers can limit or broaden their search base to geographic locations. This is great as quite a few companies perform work offsite from their primary place of business and are required to build teams in the field. As the base grows throughout the country the available candidates grow.
BFEmploy allows Job Seeking members to post resumes, specific to their trade, creating a bench of qualified candidates to Employers. The Employers can simply select a candidate they want and it will automatically notify the potential Job Seeker that they have a potential employment opportunity. If they would like to accept they simple select “accept” and it will provide the Employer of when that candidate is available for physical interviews.
What strengths does BFEmploy and the BFMarketplace have?
The strengths of BFEmploy as well as all of the other operating entities, BFLogistic, BFInsure, BFSourcing, BFEquities, BFRecycle, BFEngineering and BFOnsite come from 60 years of experience in the steel industry and understanding the frustration that comes with attempting to hire qualified candidates capable of hitting the ground running when hired with limited oversight and/or management.
Who is the founder?
The founder of MSG Marketplace, Tyler Brooks, has served in the industry since 1992. Starting by sweeping floors for his father, working his way through the ranks, to now owning the company, we have become one of the larger specialty service centers on the West Coast.
Tyler has seen the need for equalizing the playing field for the small and big guys. To do this, you must find a way to provide a fair advantage allowing them to now have access to the same types of cost structures as the larger companies.
It has also always been a source of contention among the smaller companies that the larger companies can undercut the smaller guys because of the volume they purchase as well as the cash flow that allows them to not realize losses within their production crews. Tyler has always believed, by equalizing this playing field, it forces the distributors to be distributors and the processing and value added companies to excel within their core competencies rather than the big guys trying to tap into the small guys market and the small guys trying to play on the big guys level only to cause heartache when the markets tank. Most of the time, the smaller guys can’t ride out the swings.
Tyler always saw a trend in the industry, one of massive ebbs and flows all driven by market conditions and commodities markets that are and were uncontrollable.
It is his belief, by opening the playbook and placing resources that have been established throughout the years and his tenure of business it will help grown and solve the issues most small to medium size businesses have.
He has always believed, the most difficult things to overcome in this industry and for growing business is lead generation, staffing during the ebbs and flows of the industry, finance, inventory, logistics and insurances.
With rising costs of nearly everything, a market that is uncontrollable and the reality the steel industry really doesn’t operate on a streamline platform that is comparable to today’s technological environment and advancements outside of processing equipment, the time is now that someone stepped up to make change on a scale that moves the industry in the proper direction.